Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, .................................................................................................................................... The warehouse is losing it's touch. 4 of us have been caught and executed entirely. The rest are wary and shaken out of their skins, not even talking to eachother on school grounds. A small amount of us are left, and not enough to keep our operation growing. We've grown apart. Ripping the stitches off of our thick, unstable quilt that has brought us together. We've gotten over our problem, and now, are moving on with our lives. Almost. Strange supernatural cases have occured, and it's not just time to prey on the bad people, But the creatures also taking innocent lives aswell. And some of us, are both sides. We've protected our town about as large as the SI borough away from harm so far, and it will continue to stay that way. Due to our loss, We are now not at all on top. Well, Really, We didn't do much in the first place. All we know is that we have to protect this town. It has been practically brewing in our blood, engraved into our skulls our urge to Kill. The difference is, We can harness it. Use it for the benefit of others. We are willing to risk almost certain death, and troubles that even hell would seem like a nerd slap fight. ...........................................................................
Are you?
........................................................................... If we left at midnight for the hanging tree.
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